Saturday, January 1, 2011

My First Post: Hi, nice to meet you, and other senseless chatter...

Hello everyone reading this! I just made this blog 'bout three minutes ago, so I highly doubt anyone has started reading yet. First, I need to get a few things clear: this is not my first blog, I have not done anything note worthy in my life (yet), and this is not just a typical teenage-my life sucks blog. My name is BloatedCaterpillar, I am a 15 year old girl living some where in North America, and that is all you need to know. I will not give out any information more then that, except stories from my life. I don't believe that to read this blog you need to know what I look like or what my name is, and if your okay with that too, then we will get along quite fine. Now, getting back to the fact that I stated earlier, yes, this is not my first blog. I have had three others. All of my other blogs I quit before they even started. That's not happening now, even if I don't get any readers, I'm doing this for me. Not for popularity.


  1. I just started a blog myself after many failed attempts but this ones sticking!
    I'm a big fan of reading,poetry and creative writing so best of luck with your blog! xx

  2. Thank you for the comment! This is my third blog, so I'm hoping I stick with it, and I hope you stick with yours too. :)
