Saturday, January 22, 2011

More Poems: You know you love them

I have to admit, this poems are not as good as the last too, so don't get your hopes up. The first one I wrote today, and the second I wrote a couple months ago.

I look in the mirror,
Its shining, reflecting.
Who is that person in the mirror?
The girl who’s always looking back at me.
When did she age?
What happened to the little girl I used to see?
When did she change?
Where is the pure, innocent and loving girl?
She used to laugh,
She used to play.
She was unprejudiced, and untained from the world.
So, please, tell me,
What happened to that little girl?
The one I used to be.


It’s said
There’s a table.
A big table.
With thousands of glass jars.
One belongs to me.
And it’s filled.
It’s filled with all the negativity;
Bad thoughts,
All the times I’ve not succeeded.
That’s in there too.
It’s black,
It can’t harm us,
We let it.
How to keep it in?
Live in the present,

Mourning the past puts a crack in the jar.

Permit: I'm drivin'.

I got my permit today! I'm so glad. It only took me four tries. I honestly thought that I was never going to get it, I have been fifteen for six months, and I just now got my permit. I love driving! I just love it, it's so much fun, and it is extremely scary at the same time. Today my mom took me all over to drive at different locations, and towards the end I was pretty good at driving. She let me drive home because my neighborhood is never very busy. I was freaking out, because it was my first time driving outside of parking lots, and I'm pretty sure that I was gripping the steering wheel so hard my knuckles were white. As I was pulling into our drive way I accidentally pushed the gas instead of the break and almost drove straight through our garage. Luckily, I quickly took my foot off of the gas and slammed on the breaks.

So on to something completely different, I am writing a book. It's a book that I gave up on a year ago (See previous blog "New Years Resolutions: they suck) and I was rereading it, and I realized that I really liked the story line. I just need to figure out a few details. I might post a couple chapters for everyone to read sometime in the near future. I'm really happy.

Best Mashup of Songs Ever: Seriously, somebody make a mashup of these songs and send me a link

I think that a mashup of Into the Night by Benny Mardones ( and the song Abracadabra by Steve Miller Band ( Would be extremely creepy and awesome. I have two reasons:

  1. Firstly Into the Night is the creepiest song ever, so if it was mashed up with any song it would be awesome. I think that it is creepy because it says "shes just sixteen years old leave her alone...".
  2. Abracadabra is the funniest song ever, so the pair of songs make a wonderfully hilarious couple.
So this is what I think the mash up should be like. Into the Night will be blue, and Abracadabra with be red.

Seperated by fools who don't even know what love is
Abra-Abra-cadabra I wanna reach out and grab ya,
She's just sixteen years old, leave her alone.

A poem: Horizen

 I generally don't write poems that rhymn. The poems I usually write just paint a picture, but I'm working on writing poems with certain numbers of syllabols or rhyming cuplets....

I have two poems to post today the first on is a poem that I wrote a little less then a year ago. It's like my usually type. No rhyming.


It’s freezing out side,
Chilling and icy,
The cold creeps along my arms,
Leaving goose bumps in its wake.

The sky is still deep blue and black,
Speckled with purple,
It looks menacing, haunting,
At the same time it is,

The sun is peaking at me,
Just barely over the horizon,
Like a kid playing hide and seek,
Checking for taggers,
Trying to remain unseen.

The little sun pushes his head up,
The sky is a canvas,
Bright pink and orange water colors,
Seep into the dark paint,
It’s striking, stunning, spectacular,
And Breath taking.

The second poem I am posting isn't one of my best works. I wrote it when I was dabbling in writing poems where every other line rhymns. Hope you like it:


Should I reach for my dreams?
Should I grasp that star?
To me it always seems,
They are so far.

Can I depend on my own strength,
To get the job done?
Should I set my goal that great length,
though it's such a long run.

Should I trust these wings for flight,
To lift me up to,
 Such great heights?
What else can I do?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sylvia Monologue: Yes sir, I am portraying a dog.

So I realized that I had posted a whole blog about how excited I was to have performed my monologue in Fundamentals of Acting, and I didn't even tell you guys what my monologue was. It's a monoloue from the play Sylvia. I am playing the part of Sylvia who is a dog. You can get a pretty good jist of the plays background from this web article (I know Wikipedia is sketchy some times, but the information is correct on this article) Read under "plot summary."

Here is my monologue:


New Years Resolutions: They suck...

I've never actually done the whole New Years Resolutions thing. I'm terrible at making a goal and sticking with it. That's probably my worst trait. I love writing, but every time that I have tried to write a book I get stuck after about three chapters. I went through a painting phase, a piano phase, a theater phase (still in the theater phase), a dance class phase, and even a rebelious phase. (I do have to say that the rebelious phase was short lived. I'm just not a very openly rebelious person) My problem is that I am a perfectionist, and I guess I just expect myself to be better then everyone else, at everything. I know it's impossible to be the best, but that's jsut the way I think. I quit dance classes because all of the girls had done it there whole lifes, and I was new.

Back to the theater phase. I was really proud of my self today. It was time to perform our monologues in my Fundamentles of Acting class, and I was extremely nervous. I am a rather quiet person when it comes to public speaking, but I did it all the way through. My teacher told me that I actually did a good job. It felt amazing to actually try to do my best and suceed. Usually when I have to perform a monologue that I'm not very comfertable with, I will just pretend that I am not trying. I don't know why I do that. I think that it may be so that I don't try my hardest and end up failing, because that has happened to me. Those are the times that I have fallen the hardest. The lesson that I learned today is that when you do try your best, and give it your all the result is so much better. I feel so much better about myself knowing that I am actually a pretty good actor.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Geometry: How many posts have I made about nevershoutnever? Count 'em and you get ten virtual high fives.'s a little more practical then algebra, but I still wonder how I will ever apply this to my daily life. Do they expect me to be walking down the street, and suddenly stop and be like:

Oh my gosh, it's a ladder. I need to measure the degree of the angle of the ladder intersecting with the ground. I know that the ladder is blah blah inches long, and the ground will be x, just let me get out my handy dandy calculater, and I'll just press cos, and figure that out...

No. It just doesn't apply at all, unless I became a carpender, then I maybe would need to know how to find the area of wood and stuff.

What is even harder to figure out real world situations for is algebra. I don't think that I will ever use it again in my life, unless I became a math teacher. There is no way in heck I would ever do that though.

Don't Do Any of These Things: a.k.a my pet peeves

If I would like to say that I was viewing around on alot of other blogs, and is it just me, or did anyone else notice that 99.99% of blogs are about a mom and her kids (usually age 2-5 kids, and the mom will go on and on about the adorable things they do) or they are an artists blog? The other 00.01% is blogs like mine that don't fall into the gushy-mom catagory or the artsy catagory.

Now, to talk about what the title implies. Yes, I am going to make a list of pet peeves that I have. Here it is:
- When an event or party is canceled at the last minute.

- Store clerks that think all teenagers are naturally unGodly, and that teenagers by nature will steal everything/ break something.

- People at church/school that think it is there divine calling to point out every flaw of others, and play the whole "more holyer then thou" card.

- When I am told not to do something, or to do something by someone with no authority to control me. Basically, I hate being told what to do. I can handle it at school, and by adults, but people my age should not be comanding me like I'm their dog.

- I absolutely hate  being shhhhhhhh-ed. It just sounds terrible, and frankly it doesn't help the noise problem, because for it to be effective, the shhhhhhh has to be louder then the talking. It's an unpleasent noise, it makes me mad, and when people do it to me, I just start talking louder.

- I detest being asked for gum, and if you're going to ask me don't say, "Do you have gum?" and assume that when I say, "Yes, I have gum." that it was the same as me saying, "Yes, have a piece." To me, that is the rudest way to ask for gum, it's not even really asking. The correct way to ask for gum is, "Can I have some gum?" or even "Can I have a piece?" I would prefer either of those. So, I decided this school year, when I am asked, "Do you have gum?" I will say, "Yes, I do have gum. Do you...?"

- Questions that start with "why", because no matter how they are phrased they most likely will hurt someones feelings. For example, "Why do you look so confused all the time?", "Why do you do your hair like that?" , "Why do you always say that?", and "Why do you always do that?"... and there are so many more. By the way, those are all questions that have been asked to me.

- Because is not an answer. End of story. Why you ask? Because.

- When my dog barks. Her loud, manly barks are like a group of tiny elfs are having a chainsaw party in my ear drum. It's not pleasent, not pleasent at all.

Well, that about raps it up. I think that I have sucsessfully listed my many dislikes in this world. I need to make another post, just so that I don't leave you guys on a negative thought...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Easier Than Scrapbooking: the quote I saw on her blog.

I was just making my way through blogs, repeatedly clicking the "next blog" button, when I came to a blog called Easier Than Scrapbooking. I was going to just click next when I saw this little quote:

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." ~Henry Ford

I totally agree with this quote. When ever someone wants to be able to do something, I believe that it is 60% just thinking that you can do it, 20% skill, and the last 20% is just luck.

It's all about positive thinking, you can almost do anything that you think you can, sounds cheesy, but I whole heartedly believe it to be true.

I am a swimming. I do swim team year round, and currently I am on three swim teams. Whenever I have a meet I always stay positive, because I know I actually swim faster when I think that I can win. I just keep telling myself "I'm doing good, and I'm swimming fast." I wonder if it actually helps, or is it something else.

Well I'll leave that for you all to ponder on. It's dinner time. Still dreading school tomorrow. Yikes.

You Could Say I be Rollin' Like Darcy: "My good opinion once lost is lost forever."

I am sorry to say that the quote that I put in the title really has nothing to do with this post.
Well this post is mainly do to my undying love and adoration of Pride and Prejustice (Perferrably the Kira Knightly version.) My favorite quote:

"You Have Bewitched Me, Body and Soul, and I Love, I Love, I Love You. I Never Wish to be Parted from You from This Day On." -Darcy

Oh, Darcy. I don't know if I could ever love a fictional charactor more then yourself. I did go through a Edward phase in 7th grade, but that was short lived.

Well good day. Sorry for such a short post. Frankly, I have nothing more to say on the matter. It is the last day of break so I think that I will go put Pride and Prejudice in and get some warm cocoa before I have to go back to school tomorrow. Oh how I wish for snow tonight...please snow.

The Most Romantic Songs Ever: seriously, if someone sang this to me, I would love them forever.

I thought I would make a list of my favorite heart-throbingly cute/romantic songs. Here they are:

Without You by Harry Nilsson
                            "I can't live, if living is without you."

Inevitable by Anberlin:
                            "I wanna break every clock, the hands of time will never move again. We could stay in this moment for the rest of our lifes. I want to your last first kiss that you'll ever have."

Best I Ever Had by Vertical Horizon:
                            "It's not so bad, you're only the best I ever had, you don't want me back. You're just the best I ever had."

Right now I'm listening to Without You, it's really unbearably cute. On another note, I was think about why blogging has become so popular recently. Is it because this is the generation of everything electronical, or did it just snow ball, starting with a few people blogging that cause other people to want to do it, untell they where dozens of blog sites, and over hundreds of bloggers?

Songs That Discribe How I'm Feeling: NeverShoutNever, no other band could speak my feelings better

You ever listen to the lyrics of a song, and your like bam "That's exactly how I feel right now."

 Right now I'm feeling like Brightside by NeverShoutNever. "Your only as tall, as your heart will let you be, and your only as small as the world will make you seem. When going gets rough, and you feel like you will fall, just look on the bright, side your roughly six feet tall."

 Here's a link if you wanna watch the music video for it on the youtubes.

And on another note, there is this song that I really like by NeverShoutNever, it's a really sweet song, but it's about him loosing his virginity...a little bit awkward. It's really cute, and it's called Loosing It. The lyrics are: "I thought I loved her, and it would last forever, but I just lost it, and I can't believe it. In the back seat of my car..." I really like his songs, they are pure, and full of emotion. It's like his heart is speaking. (Sounds really cheesy...sorry)

Another song that I really like by NeverShoutNever is Sell Out. It's just about how much the whole music industry basically sucks, and they want him to conform. One line from it is: "I sold my soul to the corporation, they know me better then I know myself...they don't like the way I think, I don't really like the way they think...I'm sick of imaginary instead of artistry, I'm sick of apathy instead of harmony." Readlly powerful stuff dude.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Apps: The cutest little fishes ever!

If you look on the right of the screen below the blog archive, you will see my fishies. I recently added them, aren't they just adorable? I am going to name them, though I have no idea how I will tell them apart...Well here are their names:
1) Patricia
2) Pablo
3) Player
4) Packo
5) Philipe
6) Pamila
7) Patrick
8) Potatoe
9) Precious
10) Patty

Ahh! I'm just so excited! I just made five posts, and it's only my first day with this blog. Is that a little obsessive? It's 10 pm, and I have to get up at 8 am tomorrow. I should probably go to bed, but I can't sleep. I wonder when someone will find my blog? I don't really know how I am supposed to broadcast it. Should I tell my friends on facebook? Send out a mass email? I don't know... I don't really want people I know to read this, it would be awkward.

Two Mystical Pictures

My Hand: I took this on a long road trip, it is the desert veiw that I saw out of the car window, and my hand.

Me: It sort of looks Alice in Wonderland ish. Don't you think?

Parodies: My Favorite Way to Make Fun of Someone.

I love parodies. I mainly enjoy the witty and/or clever ones, I think that they are hilarious! Parodies are amazing. I thought that I would share with you guys a few of my favorite parodies from youtube.

The first one is a parody of Ke$ha. Let me just say, any one with a dollar sign in there name is probably going to be the focus of a few jokes. I really do like her songs, I just think that it's funny when people can imitate her sucsessfully. I like this one becasue the girl actually looks like her, and it's really well done. The parody is of Tik Tok, and it's by TheKeysofAwesome.

The next one is for a snuggie commercial, but they call it the WTF blanket. Really funny.

Well that's all. Once again I will leave with a picture for everyone to enjoy.

It's like a horse snuggie :)

Secondhand Serenade: Weird Lyrics?

So, I was recently listening to Secondhand Serenade, and I realized that alot of their songs have rather strange lyrics. Don't get me wrong, I really do like their songs, but I noticed song funny phrasing, for example:

"If you leave me tonight I'll wake up alone.." (Stay Close Don't Go)
Well, no duh Secondhand Serenade.

"Sometimes I stare at you when you are sleeping, and listen to your breathing..." (Stay Cloase Don't Go)
One word...creepy.
"the best thing about tonight is that we're not fighting.." (fall for you)
Really? Your saying that the best part isn't being with me? Not very romantic.

Ahh... now that I type it I realized that it's not very funny.

Well to cover up the awkward silence that is probably happening now from your absence of laughter, look at this picture:

And while you contemplate that, I will continue buying free pilot episodes from itunes.

My First Post: Hi, nice to meet you, and other senseless chatter...

Hello everyone reading this! I just made this blog 'bout three minutes ago, so I highly doubt anyone has started reading yet. First, I need to get a few things clear: this is not my first blog, I have not done anything note worthy in my life (yet), and this is not just a typical teenage-my life sucks blog. My name is BloatedCaterpillar, I am a 15 year old girl living some where in North America, and that is all you need to know. I will not give out any information more then that, except stories from my life. I don't believe that to read this blog you need to know what I look like or what my name is, and if your okay with that too, then we will get along quite fine. Now, getting back to the fact that I stated earlier, yes, this is not my first blog. I have had three others. All of my other blogs I quit before they even started. That's not happening now, even if I don't get any readers, I'm doing this for me. Not for popularity.