Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Don't Do Any of These Things: a.k.a my pet peeves

If I would like to say that I was viewing around on alot of other blogs, and is it just me, or did anyone else notice that 99.99% of blogs are about a mom and her kids (usually age 2-5 kids, and the mom will go on and on about the adorable things they do) or they are an artists blog? The other 00.01% is blogs like mine that don't fall into the gushy-mom catagory or the artsy catagory.

Now, to talk about what the title implies. Yes, I am going to make a list of pet peeves that I have. Here it is:
- When an event or party is canceled at the last minute.

- Store clerks that think all teenagers are naturally unGodly, and that teenagers by nature will steal everything/ break something.

- People at church/school that think it is there divine calling to point out every flaw of others, and play the whole "more holyer then thou" card.

- When I am told not to do something, or to do something by someone with no authority to control me. Basically, I hate being told what to do. I can handle it at school, and by adults, but people my age should not be comanding me like I'm their dog.

- I absolutely hate  being shhhhhhhh-ed. It just sounds terrible, and frankly it doesn't help the noise problem, because for it to be effective, the shhhhhhh has to be louder then the talking. It's an unpleasent noise, it makes me mad, and when people do it to me, I just start talking louder.

- I detest being asked for gum, and if you're going to ask me don't say, "Do you have gum?" and assume that when I say, "Yes, I have gum." that it was the same as me saying, "Yes, have a piece." To me, that is the rudest way to ask for gum, it's not even really asking. The correct way to ask for gum is, "Can I have some gum?" or even "Can I have a piece?" I would prefer either of those. So, I decided this school year, when I am asked, "Do you have gum?" I will say, "Yes, I do have gum. Do you...?"

- Questions that start with "why", because no matter how they are phrased they most likely will hurt someones feelings. For example, "Why do you look so confused all the time?", "Why do you do your hair like that?" , "Why do you always say that?", and "Why do you always do that?"... and there are so many more. By the way, those are all questions that have been asked to me.

- Because is not an answer. End of story. Why you ask? Because.

- When my dog barks. Her loud, manly barks are like a group of tiny elfs are having a chainsaw party in my ear drum. It's not pleasent, not pleasent at all.

Well, that about raps it up. I think that I have sucsessfully listed my many dislikes in this world. I need to make another post, just so that I don't leave you guys on a negative thought...

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