Monday, February 7, 2011

Live Like There's No Tomorrow:What a terrible thing to think about

I really hate motivational posters that say "Live like theres no tomorrow!" or "Live like you're dying!" or "Live every day like it's your last!" How morbid is that!? That's terrible. Telling people to live there lifes like they wont be arround the next day. I get the fact that it is trying the convey the notion of living so that you will have no regretts, but I just don't like the idea of constantly looking to the past instead of the future. That's why I really like the Kaiser Permente ad that says, "Live like there's no yesterday." That's my life statement. When someone asks me to simplify my whole life into one statement I will say, "I lived like there was no yesterday." It just seems freeing to have your life not be chained by the past, but instead be open to new chances for happiness and adventure.

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