Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Curiouser and Curiouser: A strange thought in math class.

I was sitting in math class, doing what ever I could to focus on any thing but law of cosins and triangles, when I realized that I was seated by the window. It was a wonderful suprise, and I distracted myself by imagining things in the courtyard. My though process went like this:

Oh! Look at the tree. It looks all dead and nasty...wait, the top of the tree looks alot like roots. What if the tree was really growing from the sky, and no one knew that? What if all trees grew from the sky, and they just hovered there? That would be awesome. You could walk under the tree everyday, and then suddenly it would be so tall that you would hit your head. Oh, there are paper snow flakes on the windows. What if in the world I was imagining it snowed paper snow flakes? That would be pretty great, you would jsut need to be careful not to get papercuts on the top of your head. That would suck. Oh, and it would rain fruit, because all of the trees are upside down.

So I just thought that I would share that memory because it makes me happy.

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