Friday, March 25, 2011

"Just Can't Hide This Feelin' Anymore": Be a Dork For What You Love

Be a dork for what you love! Do what you want, and don't fear peoples judgement. Everyone has their own little quirks. That's what makes us all so different.

It's sad seeing a person who hidea their rtrue feelings for something because they don't think it's popular. I say: if you like to l.a.r.p. in your free time, go ahead. If you like to collect rocks, go ahead. Etc.

I try to always stay true to who I am (not always perfect at it). I'm pretty eccentric, and I think that's one of my best traits. Here's a list of all the "uncool" things I like to do/think:

1.  I keep a list of all the books I've ever read.
2. I think that playing dugeons and dragons could be pretty interesting.
3. The Zelda theme makes me happy.
4. Going to the library makes me happy.
5. I watch anime

Ok, that's a pretty short list, but I could go on for hours.

1 comment:

  1. To be truly congruent is a gift embrace it ! And being eccentric is pretty cool too!
