Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Realization: Sudden epiphany in creative writing class.

My whole life I've heard things like, don't judge any one by there appearence, or don't judge a book by it's cover and over cliches meant to say you don't know what some one has been through just by looking at them, so don't attempt to try judging them by the way they look, dress, or present them selves.

Though I found this statement to be true, I never really took it to heart, untell today. I was previously determined that I could tell who had the messed by home life, who had the troubled past, who the pedifiles were, etc. just by looking.

But, my whole look on life changed today during 4th period. I have creative writing 4th period, and todays prompt was on suicide. Our teacher read us a story from Chicken Soup For the Soul about a girl who failed at killing herself. (I'm trying to locate the story online. It's hard when you don't even know what chicken soup it is from.) The story was really touching. She gave us ten minutes to write about what ever the story reminded us of, and said we could go any direction we wanted with it.

So, I wrote my little page about depression, and suicide. I wasn't very confident with what I had writen, and  I haven't had very many life experiences with it. I had already done my manditory amount of sharing, so, I just kept my hand down and listened.
Almost everyone in the class shared. The were a variety of stories, personall experience or of some one they knew. It was a heart breaking experience, but at the same time it felt safe. It's weird thinking that we had all only been in the same class for about five weeks, and we were already comfertable sharing very personal stories.

People talked about their friends or relatives commiting suicide, or times they wanted to. The teacher even asked, "How many of you have at one time thought about suicide?" It shocked me to see that almost the whole class raised their hands. I didn't raise mine, because I felt embarressed to admit it. I didn't realise I wasn't the only one.

It was weird looking around the room, and seeing all of the hands raised. There were so many types of people, social groups, and ethnicities. I saw people who I thought lived perfect lives raise there hands. I had always thought they were perfect, and happy all the time.

1 comment:

  1. I would have raised my hand too, had I been there.
    Maybe you'd also feel more comfortable perhaps.
